Thursday, August 13, 2009

Julie and Julia...go see it!

SO I went to go see Julie & Julia yesterday...I thought it was a good movie surprisingly...I think they could have elaborated a little more on Julia Child's life but I guess the movie was suppose to be about 'Julie'. Go see the movie I think you will like it. In the movie they show Dan Aykroyd doing his parody of Julia, hilarious...BUT the one thing I didn't like and this is in agreement with my friend J, they could have shown Julie have more mishaps or mistakes, she allegedly did 500+ recipes in 365 days and only had two or three mistakes and a couple of breakdowns...come on even Julia Child had more than that and it was Julia's recipes being made!

I could see myself in that movie with the blogging and the cooking could be a sign....I don't know time will tell!

I submitted some recipes to the Chamber of Commerce in the town where I live they are putting together a cookbook to sell at the Chamber to the people who come in, the lady I gave the recipes to is a friend of mine and Gary and she commented that she noticed the Gumbo recipe was not among the ones I gave them...well of course it is not among the ones I gave you why would I give you a good recipe for YOU to make money on and you have a job and I not make money on it and I don't have a job. HELLO! Then she went on to say that she held back some of the other recipes she received for herself rather than put them out there for masses. Everybody is always looking out for themselves, or what they can get out of something, remember that.

I have a cornbread stuffing recipe that I am going to put on here for the holidays or whenever you want to eat stuffing...I got it from my mom I caught her in a good mood, which is a rarity. Now-a-days to catch her in a good mood is really rare, she is old and cranky! Or is it because I can push her buttons and piss her off...and I do just that whenever possible.....

See ya when I see ya

Peace! Mattie

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