Sunday, November 8, 2009

Cobbler...sweet cobbler

WOW! I just saw that the last time I was on this blog was back in September....that is sad. That was also the first time I made my mom's peach cobbler or attempted too...

Have you ever had something so sweet that you can feel the sugar surging through your body or you can feel the sugar coma coming on? Yeah that is what happened the first time I tried to make my mom's peach cobbler. Her recipe calls for evaporated milk, which I didn't know and I didn't have the first time I tried to make the cobbler. After my mom gave me the recipe I figured I would try it... I had put it off because I didn't think I had the right milk so I waited...then Gary asked me to make the cobbler so I got everything out and started only to find out that I only had condensed milk....not evaporated or even regular was condensed milk. Do you know how sweet that milk is?? Can you say it lock jaw! Yeah that is how sweet it is...I usually use it when making sweet potato pies and it is most commonly used when making cheese cakes.

ANYWAY..... I made the cobbler using the condensed milk and then I tasted the cobbler...I think my jaws met in the middle of my mouth as I puckered up from the sweetness! Coma in a deep dish waiting to happen, yes that it what it was. Crazy....fortunately since then I have made sure that I have the proper milk and the other ingredients on hand whenever I make the cobbler. I asked my mom about the condensed milk and she said I could use it just to add water....I guess I didn't add enough water because that cobbler was so sweet I could hear my dentist making cash register sounds from the money he was going to make if I had anymore of that cobbler. I made one today for a friend's birthday, I used the right kind of milk....I think they liked it!

You should try it for yourself just make sure you have the right milk on hand to use when baking it.

See ya when I see ya

Peace! Mattie

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